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You are diligent…you do what you were told to do…you have your check ups, eat right, exercise, avoid drugs, tobacco, pop, sugar, etc...etc. Then you hear it after your mammogram, you need to come back! Your heart drops! You have done it before. First time, let’s watch it for six months.  You have six small children – you tell no one, not even your husband. You dodged the bullet. You hear it, you at age 65. “Let’s try it again, let’s just squish it out.” You are okay!!! You hear it again – you have noticed changes, you are fearful, “You need to have a biopsy.” You are only 67. You wait a week as terror fills your heart. Please don’t let it be! But it is! The look on their faces tells the story and then they hand you the three ring binder so carefully organized, but the title is painful, “Your Guide to Breast Cancer.” You are assigned to the A Team. You push it off for a month because you are busy, you have things to do, Arts in the Park Quilt Show, a trip with your friends. It’s your body! You swear your husband to secrecy. Don’t tell the kids!!! You wait on test results, you go to bed with it on your mind, you wake up with it on your mind. You stay extremely busy so it doesn’t cross your mind. You have to have the MRI. It shows that you have a tumor with many lymph nodes involved. You still are in denial. You don’t tell your kids. It’s the night before your surgery. You have to tell them so you give the Utah kids lemon cookies and tell them you are going to have surgery the next morning to remove a monster from your body. It’s a phone call to tell the others, with a pleading “do not put it on Facebook.” Shock, tears, anger, laughter, unbelief has everyone captured. You hug each other a little longer, pray together and try to be brave. Surgery goes well but then you hear from the A Team, it’s not what we thought it was, it was more involved. You will have to have chemo, you will lose your hair, you have to have radiation.



But no one tells you the real story and all the time you are praying, hoping and wondering what you could do to help someone else. How could you help find a cure to help someone avoid the evils of cancer!!! It touches everyone’s life – help us to find a cure!!!

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